My name is Syeda but for those of you who are too afraid to try to pronounce that out loud, Sye works perfectly fine. I am a double major in history and philosophy and this is my third year at RIC. After I graduate with my bachelors, I hope to get my MAT and move to Florida with my partner. I work at Whole Foods Market and at RIC's library. I have two pitbulls that I rescued; one of which is a maniac with severe separation anxiety (she's lucky she's cute). I also have a turtle (a red-eared slider to be specific, for any of you turtle lovers out there) and an unusually plump bunny that I was tricked into keeping (lucky me). I live in an apartment in Smithfield that is certainly too small for the two of us and all of these animals but it all works out fine. I am taking this class because last semester, I was introduced to women's studies and I loved it. It also counts for my history major so, look at that, a win-win. I guess that's about as interesting as it gets about me! I'm looking forward to the course.
Oh yeah! I'm half Morrocan!.... that's pretty cool, right?
Sye <-- Do I sign my name at the bottom of a blog like I would for an email? Well, apparently I do. But I'm not very knowledgeable on blog formatting...